Past Exhibits

See our newest gallery exhibit Dried Out: Prohibition in Alberta on display at the Provincial Archives of Alberta until February 16, 2024.

The Provincial Archives of Alberta is proud to present its newest gallery exhibit, A Living Space by Gillian Willans.

Dairy Princesses, Stampede Queens, and Queens of the Carnival – revisit beauty competitions and pageants of the past.

Snow, ice, and chilly temperatures are a seasonable part of Alberta’s winter wonderland.

Whether we are collectively preparing and making it, or eating it as a group, food brings people together in community.

To celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, the Provincial Archives of Alberta highlighted 150 events that happened for the first time in Canada that featured a unique Alberta connection.

This photography exhibit featured panoramic images from the holdings of the Provincial Archives of Alberta.
![View of the Drunmeller police motorcycle and side car used during labour disputes. Policemen unidentified. Date: [between 1923 and 1924].](/sites/default/files/styles/300x400/public/2018-09/app-exhibit-thumb.jpg?itok=H7B0sUhl)
The Provincial Archives of Alberta presented Let Justice Be Done: The Alberta Provincial Police, 1917-1932, an exhibit to commemorate the centenary of the establishment of the force.

The Provincial Archives of Alberta presented Alberta Ballet & the Documentation of Performance, an exhibit in celebration of Alberta Ballet’s 50th Anniversary.

The exhibit of artist, former archivist and third generation prairie woman Marlena Wyman was inspired by the 1920 diary of Alberta homesteader Alda Dale Randall, held in the collection of the Provincial Archives of Alberta. In her art practice, Wyman honours early prairie women and sheds light on their contributions that are often hidden in the shadows of the western settlement story.

This exhibit celebrated the hundredth anniversary of the Alberta Legislature Building. Rising 176 feet into the prairie sky, the building is faced with granite and sandstone and the interior is finished with over two thousand tons of marble. The grand structure is a symbolic anchor for the province - a reminder of its past and a vision for its future.

Les Francophones en Alberta: Courage et détermination told the story of the French in Alberta based on the holdings of the Provincial Archives of Alberta. The exhibit traced the history of the French Albertans through its associations, both economic and cultural, its religious works, and its early pioneering work.

Through photographs drawn from the Provincial Archives' holdings, the exhibit explored how photography developed in Alberta: what formats and techniques were used and what beautiful images resulted. The exhibit reviewed both the works of the professional and the amateur.

Testimonials are intricately designed letters, often illustrated, presented to honored guests visiting the mission sites. The testimonials helped missionaries build bridges between their European cultural inheritance and their life in Canada, give expression to their imaginative and artistic impulses and show their deep appreciation and regard for religious and secular authorities.

William Copeland McCalla photographed the images for his black and white glass lantern slides, which he then hand-coloured. The prints in this exhibition were created from digital scans of the original lantern slides and were enlarged and printed on lustre paper. McCalla's hand-colouring is both meticulous and delicate, and his compositions are evidence of an artist's eye. The exhibit showcased a selection of McCalla's images from the Provincial Archives' collection.

As Alberta entered its 100th year, it was staggering to consider how many significant structures were built in such a short period. Throughout Alberta's history, the creation of infrastructure in the province has been an impressive partnership between the public and private sectors, reflecting the can-do attitude that epitomizes who Albertans really are.

The Great Western Garment Company was founded in 1911 and was purchased by Levis Strauss and Co. [Canada] Inc. The history of garment workers who passed through the plant's doors offers a glimpse into the history of all working people in this city, and mirrors the successive waves of immigrants to western Canada.

The exhibit followed the events of September 1, 1905 that began with a grand parade and ended with the Royal North West Mounted Police royal salute. Items from the Ernest Brown fonds were on display, including images of Governor General Sir Earl Grey, Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Lieutenant Governor H. V. Bulyea taking part in this historic day for Alberta. The exhibit also presented media coverage of our province's entry into confederation.